I wrote this out of desperation when, during a new network install, schools' started to ask whether we would migrate children's work over (in addition to staff that we would normally do manually!) If you're in a similar line of business, you know what a pain this can be, I'm sure!

When implementing a replacement server, there is often the unenviable task of transferring (or migrating) the users 'home' folder content (i.e. their documents and work) from your old server to the new one. Although migrating a few users isn't usually a problem and can be done manually, it becomes arduous if your naming convention between servers has changed (i.e. user "99smithj" is now "john.smith99"). 

The Home Folder Migration Toolkit (HFMT) can assist with this as it can create and populate a command-line batch file which can be executed to seamlessly complete this task for you. 

You simply need to:

  • set some basic properties, such as the location of your source and destination folders,
  • Associate (or 'match') your folder names with one of the supplied automated methods,
  • Exclude any unwanted content
  • Preview the results
  • Run the output batch file or edit it accordingly.

This process is considerably more efficient than trying to complete it manually or writing bespoke scripts to undertake the task on a site-by-site basis.

 It is a standalone application requiring just the Microsoft .NET Framework 4.5 and has no installation footprint so will run from a hard disk, thumb drive, etc. It is designed to run on Windows Server.


Important! As the program been packed for portable use, antivirus software may report it as being infected; this is a false positive. Please add an exclusion for this program to your antivirus software.